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Valheim Co-op Info

Character Rules

  • New or Nude character ?
  • Kill Eikthyr
  • Seed: QhsT2KVdEb
    • (tiny start island, primitive expansion)


Vortex and V+:

    • Copy the “valheim_plus-cfg” file into: /steamapps/common/Valheim/BepInEx/config/
      1. AoE repair
      2. Fermenter autodeposit/autofuel
      3. FireSource autodeposit/autofuel
      4. Smelter autodeposit/autofuel
      5. Furnace autodeposit/autofuel
      6. ItemStackMultiplier 1900 (50→1000)
      7. Kiln autodeposit/autofuel
      8. Kiln don't use Fine Wood
      9. Kiln stop at 100 coal
      10. Player carry weight 300 → 500
      11. Player carry belt 150 → 500
      12. Player Autopickup range 2 → 4
      13. Player auto repair on interact workbench
      14. Player auto equip shield
      15. Player queue equip command
      16. Player re-equip after swim
      17. Player Skip Tutorials
      18. Player Skip Intro
      19. Inventory Player: 8×4 → 8×6
      20. Inventory Wooden Chest: 5×2 → 8×2
      21. Inventory Personal Chest: 3×2 → 8×3
      22. Inventory Karve: 2×2 → 8×1
      23. Craftfromchest
      24. Crafting show materials in chest (Auto)
      25. Windmill autodeposit/autofuel
      26. Spinningwheel autodeposit/autofuel
      27. Chat Normal Range= 999 (default 15)

Other Mods:

Chat Commands

Valheim chat: | /s | Shout (server) | | /w | Whisper (close) |

| /killme | Lets you basically off yourself and respawn; pretty useful if you get stuck somewhere or the like. | 

| /resetspawn | Lets you reset your spawn point, for whatever reason you might need that. | | /sit | | | /wave | | | /challenge | | | /cheer | | | /nonono | | | /thumbsup | | | /point | |


Keyboard Controls

Valheim Buttons: | Q | Autorun | | E | Interact | | R | Equip/Stow gear | | F | Activate Power | | TAB | Inventory | | CTR | Stealth | | SPA | Jump | | LMB | Attack/Use | | RMB | Block | | MMB | Special Attack (some weapons) | | RMB+Space | Dodge |

Last Plans

Plans for Pains in Plains:

  • Plains: Tar, Camps, BM, Totems, Vegvisir/Boss


  • Swamp: Entrails/Iron
  • Farm: Barley, Onions (we got lots)


  • Monolith: Find one that meets with your stern approval.
  • Boar pen
  • Tower
  • Batcave (complete)

joneirik/valheim_list.1665204529.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/07 22:48 by joneirik