Table of Contents



The Manual as per the document in the install folder, just adapted for wiki code.



Developed by

Diversions Entertainment

Published By

Epic MegaGames


A foreword by Ryan Elam

If you were one of those who installed the game, played it, then wondered what the heck was going on, skip this paragraph – it wasn't meant for you. For those who actually read this file before trying the game (who are probably also the type who keep their socks on those little hangers they come with), we would like to THANK YOU for making all the trouble of writing this manual worthwhile. By reading this beforehand you'll be the first to know how to do the special moves while the poor guy down the street is still figuring out what the heck a pilot is.

This is, basically, a fighting game. It is YEARS in the making, and is the best effort of Rob Elam (the dude who does everything), Ryan Elam (the older brother who can't wait to mooch off Rob's success), Josh Jensen (sound code - assembler wizard), Kenny Chou (music master) and many more. See the credits below. It has many features not found in any other fighting game. One Must Fall 2097 is a great way to relieve stress, improve hand-eye coordination, or just generally waste enormous amounts of time.

Enjoy this manual. Print it out. Give it to your friends. Put it in your bird cage. Buy the full game.

Remember, if you like this text file, buy the OMF 2097 strategy guide. The guide is over 60 pages long and is jam-packed with useful tips and secrets, lots of pretty pictures, hints on the pilots and robots, and more.

A note on graphic violence: Diversions Entertainment is devoted to bringing non-violent PC entertainment to the public. While you cannot have a fighting game without some measure of violence, we are hoping to show that a game with little shock value is still accepted by the consumer. We want to prove that playability is more important to you than simply slapping a few characters onto a screen and putting the words “Blood”, “Deadly”, or “Violence” in the title. As the one with the checkbook, you will be the judge.


“A good story is everything. Sometimes the truth just doesn't make a good movie.” - R. Nixon

The year is 2097. Friday. You've waited for this night since you were a child. Fifteen years of training will be used tonight - your future career the main prize.

“The left elbow still needs a little work… Just three more days! Move the fight to next Friday and they won't know what hit 'em!”

Lying on the table, you can't see where the voice came from, but you recognized the colorful language of Team Chief 'Plug' McEllis. “Don't be nervous, Plug. This 'bot is fresh from the factory and the best there is.” You reply, trying to hide the shaking in your own voice. “I'll show you just how good a job your team did.”

“I know you will. It's just that this is your first match and your opponent's tenth. Should give you more time…”

Time to what? Sim training gets old. There's no simulator that can compare with the real thing. “I have to do it now. The Board will see me as a challenger and hothead. I need the edge to get in this season's schedule.”

“Good luck to ya… Give 'em an uppercut for me.” says Plug.

The attendants begin checking your suit. You can feel the small needles in the helmet pressing into your skull. Fifteen minutes to show time. You feel a slight burning sensation as the drugs which connect you to the super computer seep into your spine. A cute attendant leans over the bed and gives you a wink.

“Nighty night… Remember me when you're famous.”

Your eyes begin to shut. You blink a few times, trying not to fight the medication. Finally, your eyes begin to close as you lose consciousness.

METAL! You can't believe the feeling! Your eyes open, but they're not your own. You look at your hand and flex it into a fist. You strike the fist against your opposite palm and the sound is like two trains smashing together. You realize you'll never get used to “jacking in,” the feeling of power you get from suddenly becoming a few hundred tons of dangerous equipment.

“You there, kid?” says a voice inside your head.

You now hear several voices in the background, “Physical attributes steady. All systems mark.”

You turn your head over to the body lying on the bed ten meters away and almost 30 meters below.

You speak, your voice amplified a hundred times, “I'm slice, Plug. Let's do some crushin'!”

It is no longer blood you feel pumping, but Synthoil. Your eyes now show you heat dissipation factors, metal strength, weapon power, damage scales, and some other figures so complicated you know to ignore them. Even though you no longer have blood, it feels like your pulse is climbing as the clock over the door nears 00:00.

“Zero hour. Let 'er roar!”

The door opens. The crowd cheers. The game begins.

Welcome to One Must Fall 2097. In this future, national governments are puppets of the multinational corporations. One such corporation, World Aeronautics and Robotics (WAR), runs the entire show with a silk-covered iron fist. “All's fair in love and WAR” is the most common phrase of the day. WAR was started as a research institute to provide human-assisted robots for space travel. Their first prototypes were activated in 2009 and were immediately put to use by a conglomeration of companies from Japanamerica to build the first ACTIVE space station (the first attempt at a space station was abandoned by the later defunct United States of America before becoming operational). The HAR's were better than conventional robots in that they were completely operated by a single human whose brain controlled the robot's systems via remote. The “pilot” actually “became” the robot for all intents and purposes, but no danger to the pilot was possible.

Now, WAR is Earth's leading corporation. Every other company relies on WAR for space travel to Earth's four off-world stations. WAR provides systems for governments and companies alike for security and defense.

WAR is power. And you're a part of it.

Ganymede, the next moon on Jupiter to be colonized, needs a WAR representative to watch over it. The Board at WAR has decided that the applicants for the position, being equally qualified, should fight for it. Now, the ten applicants must choose which HAR will be their weapon and beat the others in a one-on-one competition.

Anyone who has even a remotely important position at WAR is trained in the use of HAR's. Most have spent considerable time “in” a real working model to get the feel of it. But the use of HAR's for sparring is a completely new scheme brought about by the need to know that when one company attacks another the 'bots can handle the stress. The idea of using WAR robots for entertainment is a new one, but The Company believes that it will be good press for the next prototypes from the WAR design rooms. Therefore, the public is invited to view the proceedings. It will be the greatest one-on-one combat since the Roman Era. Years of training on the 'bots makes you think you can take the other pencil-pushers who show, and you know that your reason for being V.P. of this hunk of rock is much better than any they could have. As the 21st century comes to a close, you prepare to put a big dent in the 22nd!


“To be a good captain, you'd better know how to steer.” - Captain Hazelwood

Listed below are the pilots and other important people of the game. You'll need to know the personalities of each pilot in order to choose one effectively.


Age: 23
Specialty: Genetic Engineering

Crystal Devroe, and her brother Christian, are twin children of Dr. and Mrs. Devroe. Dr. Devroe was a head researcher for WAR five years ago, and it was mostly his good name that gave Crystal and Christian their positions in the company. Though Devroe's research was held in highest secrecy, Crystal knew it had something to do with biogenetic research.

Both her parents died five years ago, the only passengers in a shuttle from Luna to Earth. Her brother suspects murder, and though he won't tell his suspicions, she does also. The only clue she carries is a DigiLink Access Code with the word “Nova” on it, found in her father's briefcase. She knows the power that Ganymede carries. She knows that Ganymede would mean access to WAR's Core computer system. She believes that WAR is responsible and that the access code will gain her entry into the secret files and hopefully the information on what happened to her parents.


Age: 17
Specialty: Sales and Marketing

The arrogant son of the Tommas family, one of the most influential families in the Iolo colony on Luna, Steffan is for all practical purposes a spoiled brat. He believes himself the center of the Universe and knows that Ganymede is simply another step to his final destination, President of WAR. The fact that, at 17, he has the skill and brains of someone twice his age only makes him seem that much more aloof. In combat, as in life, he tends to rely on a vicious onslaught of blows to destroy his opponent.


Age: 35
Specialty: Security, Kick Boxing

Milano Angston, as only son of WAR founder Herbert Angston, has no need for money. Though Wright and Angston are now associated with their company in name only, the family is wealthy beyond measure from the nearly thirty years of success in WAR's early days. At the age of 19, Milano left his family and changed his last name to Steele. He became known internationally for his almost inhuman dexterity and Kickboxing skill, and in 2090 was hired by Raven to become a security chief for WAR. Milano never mentioned his family background, and secretly hopes to take WAR back and use the company's power for the reasons originally intended by his father.


Age: 23
Specialty: Genetic Engineering, Jujitsu

Christian knows that the shuttle which carried his parents was destroyed on purpose. The passenger manifest listed thirty persons going aboard the craft, and all the names on the list weren't real. WAR killed his parents, and he wants revenge. The fact that his sister Crystal seems to be in on the hunt only scares Christian. He realizes the power of WAR and is afraid for her safety. When she applied for the Ganymede position, as he knew she would, Christian vowed he would beat her himself just to keep her from putting herself in the possibly dangerous position of Head of Ganymede. His anger and bitterness are such that he never stops training to win, and his opponents will agree that he is about the most aggressive fighter in the contest.


Age: 73
Specialty: Public Relations, Karate

Shirro is the Head of Public Relations for all of WAR. It was his idea to have this contest for the media coverage. He believes that if the event is popular enough, they may find a new business for the robots: entertainment. Though Shirro knows much about what happens deep within WAR, he never takes things too seriously and just hopes things will work themselves out. Those who have seen him in martial arts tournaments agree that he is both incredibly strong and tactful, always smiling and shaking your hand after he beats you.


Age: 27
Specialty: Market Analyst

John-Paul is an enigma. During his childhood, it was found that he had an uncanny ability to absorb information of any kind. He would score perfect on any test, and was hired at a young age for the first job WAR could place him in. The company has asked several times if he would volunteer for “genetic research”, but John-Paul knows that they simply want to know how he can have such a perfect mind. He also knows of the corruption within WAR and hopes to gain enough support from other companies to finally overthrow the larger “monster” before it does any more damage.

In combat, John-Paul is calculating and has very well-rounded abilities. He rarely ever speaks, but always seems to be calm and sure of himself. He is as defensive in the arena as he is in public.


Age: 48
Specialty: Robotics Engineer

A retired triathlete, Ibrahim believes in a sharp mind and body. Probably the best designer of HAR's, he has under his belt the design of the Jaguar, Mantis, and Omega 'bots. The Jaguar is his most famous, since the Mantis and Omega are mostly used for exploration of hostile environments (EHE) missions. Ibrahim is considered a mentor by many of the pilots, as he is always seen in the docking bays making sure “his babies” are being taken care of. Ganymede will no doubt give him more influence over new designs, and though he craves the position he still wants to design the future 'bots. He cares little for the inner politics of WAR, but simply loves the machines.

His knowledge of the internal workings of the HARs makes him a favorite to win. He often will take a few hits and then return fire with incredible accuracy.


Age: Unknown
Specialty: Unknown

Angel seemed to come out of nowhere. When her name was announced as a finalist for the position, reporters were astounded by the fact that not only did she not have any known background, but she wasn't even an employee of the company.

She never talks with the other finalists, and until the competition has not even been seen.


Age: 39
Specialty: Space Station Design

Fifteen years ago, a sport called The Arena was the most popular event of the day. Similar to HAR's, The Arena placed humans INTO a robot frame, usually ten or fifteen meters in height. The Arena players used various controls to fight their opponents while the crowd looked on. Cossette fought in The Arena until a tragic accident left her crippled from the waist down. Now she enjoys the feeling the HAR gives her, and her success in designing two space stations has given her the possibility of Ganymede. Cossette also was instrumental in the design of Electra, a 'bot designed from an electromagnetic crystal found on Venus.

Cossette is very bitter about her injury, since so many have treated her as inferior since the accident. She is still very defensive in combat, but should never be underestimated.


Age: 26
Specialty: Bodyguard, Kick boxer

Nobody knows of Raven's life before becoming Kreissack's right-hand man, but since coming on board in such an important position, he has definitely made himself known. He is brutal both in and out of any competition, and has killed more than two dozen people “in self defense”. Many believe that Kreissack wants Raven in the position at Ganymede for his own devious purposes. Raven himself does want the position, but not for Kreissack. He believes Kreissack is an ambitious fool and wants nothing more than to someday let one of the assassins intended for Kreissack accidentally slip through security and hit his mark.

Major Kreissack

Age: 103
Specialty: President of WAR

Kreissack is responsible for the success of WAR. It is rumored that there is much more to the new colony than is known by the general public. Many say that he is preparing to declare himself a new Emperor of the solar system. This threat is weighed heavily by his known armada of HAR's and the mysterious Nova Project he's spent the last two years on.


“In the end, the one with the biggest gun wins.” - General Custard

In OMF 2097, your most important decision is your choice of robots. Here are the robots available:

# Jaguar #

Creator……….: Ibrahim Hothe
Creation Date….: December 4, 2070
Special Abilities: Jaguar Leap, Concussion Cannon, Overhead Throw

The Jaguar is the ultimate rich man's toy. Many companies hire full-time Jaguar pilots and 'bots as bodyguards. The speed of this robot is nearly unsurpassed in a unit of its size. Though it was the first ever security-intended HAR, it still holds weight as the most versatile.

Using its incredible speed and dexterity, the Jaguar is capable of leaping more than twice its height and delivering a blow strong enough to crush buildings. It has a Smith & Winston 100-Ton Concussion Cannon, which is primarily used for crowd control. Also, the unit can jump over any large enemy, grab it while upside down, and before the enemy has time to react throw it more than 100 meters doing amazing damage.

# Chronos #

Creator ………: Arjan Schmalz
Creation Date …: October 31, 2072
Special Abilities: Small-Scale Teleportation, Matter Phasing, Stasis Activator

The Chronos HAR was designed to lend a few precious moments to space ship rescue. It comes in several sizes, from 1.5 meters to the largest 27.5 meter model. The main feature of the Chronos is its Stasis Field Generator, a diamond-shaped machine in the middle of it's chest. The robot is designed and built to channel the energies from this machine for various uses during time-critical rescue missions.

The energy from the Generator can be focused on the mech itself, causing it to phase out and reappear nearby. This helps the 'bot get to locations much faster than running, while taking less energy than conventional matter transfer. When the Chronos comes against solid matter, it can center the Generator on that matter to form a brief doorway, allowing passage through the solid material to its destination. Probably the unit's greatest use centers on the Stasis Activator that the Generator can expel. When this Activator connects with solid matter, it forms a Stasis Field which stops time for a brief period. This is especially useful for containing explosions, slowing effects of poison on a living creature, or stopping objects in motion.

Many companies have also noted the possible uses of Chronos in combat situations.

# Thorn #

Creator ………: Cliff Brussee
Creation Date …: July 4, 2074
Special Abilities: Speed-Kick, Off-Wall Attack, Spike-Charge

A real favorite among the populace, the Thorn unit was the first to use monofilament technology. The points of the “spikes” come to a single molecule, which gives Thorn a punch that can cut through normal metal like it is paper. This HAR can use its spikes to attack in several different ways. His long legs also provide a powerful weapon at medium range.

# Pyros #

Creator ………: James Sweeney
Creation Date …: June 5, 2076
Special Abilities: Fire Spin, Super Thrust Attack, Jet Swoop

The colossal Pyros unit is used primarily for space station design. Normally, the unit is equipped with a huge array of tools necessary to keep deep-space machinery in working condition. It uses its various jet systems to move itself between various objects in space without needing a shuttle or external jet pack.

In combat, the Pyros is a formidable arsenal of flame. It can change the direction in the air, jump forwards and backwards while attacking, and can “swoop” down on an enemy with a powerful blow. Pyros does lack in the speed department, but the damage caused by its flame throwers more than makes up for its sluggish movement.

# Electra #

Creator ………: Cossette Akira
Creation Date …: March 8, 2077
Special Abilities: Ball Lightning, Rolling Thunder, Electric Shards

In the early stages of the exploration of Jupiter, it was realized that almost no electronic equipment could function in the incredible storms of the planet's surface. Using a crystal found only on Jupiter's moon Io, scientists were able to create Electra, a HAR capable of withstanding any type of charged particle. Though the crystal is very strong, it is also one of the most expensive molecules in existence. Until this contest, the Electra unit was seldom seen in public.

As a combat robot, Electra is formidable. Not only is it fast, but even a touch from its hands can short circuit normal machinery. It can form a flying ball of lightening which lasts for a short duration and explodes for damage capable of turning a house into rubble. Electra can also fly forward, rolling itself into a ball and striking with considerable force. For defense, the unit can send small shards of electric force which do a small amount of damage but is good for keeping an enemy at arm's length.

# Katana #

Creator ………: Hans Kreissack
Creation Date …: November 10, 2078
Special Abilities: Rising Blade, Head Stomp, Razor Spin

Often advertised as “The Ultimate Weapon”, Katana is nothing more than deadly force. Using monofilament blades for hands, this unit can carve through a five-meter-thick wall of solid lead in less than ten seconds. Behind the blades are two very strong legs which allow the Katana to perform some amazing offensive maneuvers.

The Katana can jump, extending one arm upward, high enough to knock airplanes out of the sky. It can use its powerful legs to stomp on an enemy. It can also leap towards a wall, then use the force of the rebound to turn itself into a spinning mass of sharp steel.

# Shredder #

Creator ………: Marcus Knight
Creation Date …: February 30, 2086
Special Abilities: Head-Butt, Flip Kick, Flying Hands

Originally intended for mining operations, the Shredder now sees plenty of combat time. One of the fastest HAR's, this unit can stun an enemy before it can form an adequate defense. The hands on the mech can actually be thrown at an enemy and the magnetic systems on the arms will return the hands back to the body. Shredder can also hurl itself head-first at an enemy, causing the blade on top of its head to do considerable harm. The unit's “Flip Kick” is a favorite move of many pilots, since it can jump over projectiles and then hit the source with incredible speed.

# Flail #

Creator ………: Stephen Jamison
Creation Date …: May 19, 2083
Special Abilities: Spinning Throw, Charging Punch, Swinging Chains

This 'bot is the greatest thing to happen to general construction work since the hammer. Capable of building and demolition, it uses its five ton chains for the heavier jobs. This unit will be the primary model used for the initial colonization of Ganymede.

When used for combat purposes, Flail's chains come in handy. Most of the special offensive maneuvers center around the use of these chains as weapons. Also, Flail can use its powerful Charging Punch, which is guaranteed by WAR to level any mortar wall built by man.

# Gargoyle #

Creator ………: Marcus Knight
Creation Date …: March 16, 2068
Special Abilities: Diving Claw, Flying Talon, Wing Charge

Built for reconnaissance missions by the famous designer Marcus Knight, the Gargoyle's power is in its titanium wings. Not only is this robot tough enough to leave and reenter the Earth's atmosphere, but it is dexterous enough to fly well below any conventional RADAR sensors. It has built-in sensor countermeasures, making it a company favorite.

If you ever DO spot a Gargoyle, it is certainly built to defend itself. Designed from a titanium alloy, its hollow skeletal structure is both lightweight and strong. It's most used attack is to grab a victim, fly it high into the air, and either slam it against the ground or into another object. Sharp talons, feet, and beak provide a secondary defense not to be taken lightly.

# Shadow #

Creator ………: Unknown
Creation Date …: January 2096
Special Abilities: Shadow Dive, Shadow Punch, Shadow Slide, Shadow Grab

Probably the most secretive project in the last twenty years, the Shadow robot definitely earns its name. Somehow, the Shadow is capable of generating quasi-real projections of itself. A single Shadow robot can at times replace half a dozen conventional 'bots. Unfortunately, the projections don't last for very long and any damage done to them is “felt” by the host robot.

Since this is the newest HAR in the company's arsenal, many pilots find it hard to compete against and hard to fight with. Once it is mastered, though, it is a weapon to be reckoned with. WAR is still trying to measure it's purpose in future missions.


“It's not whether you win or… Okay, maybe it is…” - A. Hitler

To play OMF, you can use the keyboard or joystick. We highly recommend a Gravis Gamepad or similar digital joystick.

Once you're into the game, you choose your pilot. Each pilot has different strengths and weaknesses. You may want one that is faster, or that can take a punch or two, or one that just looks good.

Next, you choose the robot you want to fight against. Each robot is completely different - some are fast and agile, others are slow and strong. Again you can enjoy a different game every time by choosing different pilot/robot combinations. Fun, eh?

After you choose your robot, you'll be shown your first opponent and into the ring you go!

Once you're in the arena duking it out, you can press ESC to bring up the arena menu. From here you can fine-tune the way the game runs on your machine, change music/sound volumes, and forfeit the match. You can also press 'P' to pause the game (pressing ESC also pauses the game while the menu is displayed).

The energy meter at the top shows how much damage your robot can take before shutdown. Every successful strike against you lowers that total. If this bar goes below zero, the pilot and robot will collapse.

Some arenas have “hazards” that can damage your robot.

JUMPING: You can jump by pressing up. Press up along with left or right to jump diagonally. If you press down, then press up, you'll jump higher.

PUNCHING: Press the first joystick button or the Enter key.

KICKING: Press the second joystick button or the right Shift key.

BLOCKING: To block an attack, press back (away from your opponent). You can only block air attacks while standing, and you can only block sweep (low) attacks while kneeling.


“640k should be enough for anybody.” - B. Gates

One Must Fall:2097 requires:



Yes! The latest version of OMF has Modem, Network, and Serial support so you can battle your friends from afar, or hold tournaments over a network. These features were not included in the initial release, and the changes are detailed below.

Playing OMF by Modem

For full speed action in a modem game of OMF, all you need is a 9600 baud or faster modem.

Here's how to play:

  1. Begin OMF normally by running the OMF.EXE file (see above, “To Start One Must Fall”).
  2. Choose “Network/Modem Game” from the main menu.
  3. Choose “Modem Link” at the next menu.
  4. Choose “Select Modem Brand” at the next menu. If your modem is not listed , try selecting “Standard 9600” or “Standard 14.4”.
  5. Choose “Select Speed” to choose your modem speed. Some, but not all 14.4 modems may connect at higher baud rates when error correction and data compression are disabled.
  6. “Select COM Port” to tell OMF which port your modem communicates through.
  7. Choose “Call a Friend & Begin” or “Wait for a call & Begin” to connect with someone via modem, and begin playing OMF.

Note: If you are calling a friend, you may disable your “Call Waiting” by typing *70 in front of the phone number you're calling.

* You should only have to do steps 4, 5, and 6 the first time you run a modem game of OMF.

You can connect two computers with a “null modem cable” and play OMF.

Once you've hooked a cable between the two computers, do this:

  1. Run OMF.
  2. Choose “Network/Modem Game”.
  3. Choose “Serial Link” at the next menu.
  4. Choose “Serial Port” to select which port the null modem cable is connected to.
  5. Choose “Serial Speed” to set the speed of the Serial Port. We recommend 9600 baud; this is fast enough for OMF to play at its maximum speed. Faster baud rates may work less reliably on some computers.
  6. Choose “Begin Serial Game” to connect the two computers and play OMF.

* You should only have to do steps 4 and 5 once to let OMF recognize your hardware.

Playing OMF on an IPX Network

OMF can also be played on any network which supports the IPX network protocol.

- Run OMF.
- Choose "Network/Modem Game" from the main menu.
- Choose "Begin IPX Game" to begin a network game of OMF.

Note: for some LAN based networks which use multiple network segments (hubs), you may need to specify which segments to include in the “Advanced Options”. For example, type: -N 1 -N 2 -N 3 to include hubs 1, 2, and 3.

For other Advanced Options, and Modem/Net/Serial troubleshooting tips, consult the HELPME.EXE file.

The OMF Challenge Arena

Once you've connected - by modem, serial link, network, or BBS link - you enter the “Challenge Arena.” Enter your name or alias and you will appear in the Challenge Arena.

The Challenge Arena displays information about each player presently connected:

     Name   Your name, of course, or an alias
   Action   Available, Pondering, Challenging, or VS (fighting)
 Win/loss   Each player's standings since they connected. 
  Version   Which version of OMF each player is running. 

Challenge Arena Options:

Challenge   Challenges the highlighted player.
  Whisper   Sends a message directly to any other player, so that others don't see it.
            You can whisper to a player who is playing a game, but your "yells" only
            reach players who are in the arena screen.
     Yell   Sends a message to everyone in the challenge arena.
  Refresh   Refreshes the highlighted character.  This option is useful for updating players'
            records who are currently in matches, and for clearing players who may have been
            disconnected, but still appear in the arena.
     Exit   Returns you to the Main Menu.

New play options available in a modem/network game

All of the OMF controls are the same, with the following options added:

Chat Mode: You can enter Chat-Mode by pressing ALT-C from anywhere within the game. Messages you type are automatically sent to your opponent. Press ESCAPE to quit Chat-Mode.

Gameplay Options: All of the standard (and Advanced) options can be accesses by pressing ALT-G. Choose “Done” to return to the game.

Changing System Settings: You can change your system settings (such as control, video options, speed, and volume) in the middle of a match by pressing ESCAPE. Choose “Return to Game” to return to your match. NOTE: Choosing “Exit” from this menu quits the match and exits to the OMF Challenge Arena.

S.O.S. - What happens when things go wrong?

“Anything that can go wrong, will…” - Borland's Law

Please run “HELPME” and view the troubleshooting information if you're having any trouble running OMF. The HELPME file contains a lot of information about solving problems.


“Just don't forget the part I played in all this!” - What's his name

Many thanks to the people who made this possible. Please hold your applause until the last name is mentioned.


Main programmer – Head honcho – T-Shirt-Wearin' Checker's-Hamburger-Eatin' 28-Hour-A-Day-Workin' Programaholic

Famous Quotes:


Sound effects man. Author of this manual (please, don't boo). Low-level assembler code. Spam breath.

Famous Quotes:


Sound System Extrordinaire.

Famous Quotes:

# And our glorious playtesters #

# And a special mention to our family #


“After World War III, the only thing left will be roaches and lawyers.” - Ask Anybody

First of all, the quotes above are completely produced by the twisted mind of the author of this document. The author bears no malice towards any aforementioned person or entity. He does, however, greatly dislike pork rinds and taxes.

Now go play the game!