Table of Contents

My own little corner of the Wiki

Get off my lawn! You little whippersnappers!

Just using this place to play around with things, write my own ideas for OMF, and stuff.


Initially I didn't see a good reason/use for a wiki about OMF2097, simply because all the information was allready available through my website and Robyrt's FAQ. Anyways after thinking for a couple of years I ended up with three reasons that convinced me that it was worth doing.

  1. Having seen several attempted OMF wiki's online, and their lack of content and updating I felt it might be time to put an end to this by setting up one definitive OMF wiki.
  2. Vagabond and his fellows have done a lot of work on understanding the inner workings of several of the file types of OMF, they have used their own wiki and some old forums to store this information, now we might be able to store all in one easy accessible place for all OMF fans.
  3. In line with the second one, this might finally be a viable way to keep track of and updating statuses on fan-projects (like remakes) around OMF. Where they can both gather info for all sides of such a project, and a way to publish information about their project, and a way to gauge the activity of one.


Where to contact or find other people interested in OMF2097:

- Jon Eirik

Theories about OMF2097

Some ideas and theories I've had on how to improve some aspects of OMF2097 that I find a bit limiting or that could be done a whole lot better.

Largely based upon this thread:


Other small projects that have grown large enough to put in a own sub-wiki:

Personal Projects

Just me playing with the Wiki for own personal use.

saved for later:


standarize apperance and titles.



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