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Log: (1)

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You woke up to what sounded like a small scale war in the middle of town, flames was coming from the dockside, and people where running around while the soldiers was trying to get down to the dock. One of the soldiers saw your emblem and asked if you would come along and help with the injured, naturally you complied. Once on the scene, things had started to calm down, houses lying in ruins, uproar and looting taken control of by the soldiers, and the surprisingly few injured had been seen to. The sun was just barely greeting the morning, and your thoughts was to where to go next on your journey, when you saw a ship standing alone on the nearest pier, looking a little bit the worse for wear, but you decided it might just do, perhaps there is a reason why you came to be right here at this time.

After walking up to the ship, and talking to what you was later told to be the Quartermaster and then the Captain, you got hire as a deck-hand for the journey, after all your destination isn't as important as the journey. As soon as you get on the ship however, the Captain calls you together with a bunch of other people that looks a bit irregular for a ship crew, and starts discussing some plans for a mission of some sort. You're not entirely certain about the details, but it looks like we're supposed to find a criminal that is being released, follow him somehow, and return something he has stolen to their owners ? Anyways the captain calls us all out to start looking for this guy named Ripoff, that is an ominous name if you ever heard one.

After standing around a prison for a while, we spotted the guy and trailed after him. He walked into a alley and we stood outside waiting. Some shouting started, and our Captain went around the corner and started walking straight into some armored dwarves that came out of a building, and when he got to close they dropped a couple of smoke grenades and attacked. The Captain got beaten up by the dwarves and ran away, I ran over to him and used the power of Morrow to knit together the worst of his wounds. Some more people appears in the windows of the houses around and starts shooting with rifles, while this Ripoff guy is fighting with some kind of mean looking thug at the end of the alley. This guy Kyros charges into a house, seemingly kill someone since you can hear screams, and then comes back later hurt, and you run over to try to patch him together as well. Meanwhile this Menite Priest runs into the two dwarves guarding the alley and incinerates them with some impressive magical pyrotechnics. The Mechanik sends in the SteamJack and trashes about at bandits, the Captain is shooting pistols, the Nyss is running about trying to hit stuff with a sword, and getting beaten up while at it, and the Menite Priest keeps putting things aflame and trying to hit things with a big hammer. And you're running after the Nyss again to stop him from dying.

Somehow it all comes together into one big mess in the corner of the alley, with most of the crew stuck around the bandit boss, and clogging up so no-one else can get past, you can't get over to the Nyss that again runs headfirst into the boss, and almost gets trashed again, you see one of the bandits in the window aiming a shot with his rifle down at the Mechanik and forms your magic into a sword of light and send it into him, killing him instantly, and you just realized that in the heat of battle, you have made your first murder. You've had to spend quite some time pondering that, but Solovin did fight to protect others, so you've consolidated yourself with the need of it. That bandit boss sure seems to be a slippery fellow, either that or this crew isn't as good at fighting as they seem to believe, even with you casting a spell to guide them, they're still missing him left and right, while he is dancing around and stabbing everyone. Eventually the Menite Priest manages to club him down and says some inane comment or other, definitively a guy with a poor sense of humor, but you're probably better of not telling him that.

You pick up that poor abused Nyss from the ground, start stopping his bleeding, the sword stab in his back has cut open his side and severed several back muscles and is going to be difficult, but you wrap it up in some make-do bandages, and more carry him than guidinghim back towards the ship. The others seems to have talked to tis Ripoff guy, and invited him to the ship as well. Seems as good a way as any to follow him closely I guess.

Arriving at the ship you get help from the Boatswain to get the Nyss into the sick bay, and start working on saving his back muscles. You notice the sick bay is very poorly taken care of, and make a note to look into that once you got more time. Once you're done with your patient, you realize the ship is already sailing, and you start washing the sick-bay from all the blood, and prepares tools and medicines in case anyone else needs some help, and cleans your self up to go report for duty to patch up some sails.


You have not had much time on the Ship yet, and thus not had much time to get to know everything. The Bosun is a Trollkin female (at least you think so) with a loud voice that shouts out commands and abuse with equal frequency, she certainly gets the men working, and you have respect for how much she cares about the men when it counts. About pirating in general you're not quite certain what to say, it is clearly wrong, but perhaps this is a place where you can do Morrow's bidding ? By teaching them to not kill in vain, to spare their victims, to solve things peacefully ? There are probably some options there to work with.

Alexei Ambrose, Captain

You're not certain where you have the captain yet, he seems very aloof and somewhat immoral from the little you've seen so far. You don't really agree with this, but will give him the benefit of the doubt.

Kayla Stirling, Quartermaster

Seems like a dedicated and sweet young woman, you find the dedication to a single interest worthy of respect, even if you have no fascination for the SteamJack's yourself.

Menoth Priest

You're abhorred at his seemingly vicious and selfish nature, but he is an experienced priest that must have seen many things, things that you might benefit from learning. And certainly a man that follows the Creator of Man can't hate his fellow men like that ?

Kyros Alcyan, Nyss

Reckless and foolhardy, he seems to have a death-wish. The little you've talked with him, he seems to be suffering from some kind of mental damage or trauma, he speaks little, and mostly just nods or answer in simple words, it doesn't seem like you're getting through to him at all. He does seem very clever in an animalistic way though. You definitively have to find a way to teach this man some self preservation, or you're going to be running behind him patching him up all day long.

Noj MacHorne

Well, you've found yourself on a ship with a bunch of questionable people that probably are pirates, that should be interesting. You do wonder what your family and Father Joseph would say if they heard of that, should certainly be interesting to hear. You've hired on as a general deck hand with main responsibility for patching and fixing sails, and helping out in the sick-bay when needed. Funny how your old childhood skills with tailoring keeps coming to use.