Table of Contents

G5 Iteration Workroom


…Where ideas gets butchered…


Stats: Start with 0 in each stat, get 3 stat points, put as you wish in primary stats in any combination. Effectively 0-3, average balanced 1 in each.

Primary Stats:


Skill Challenge: (2d6+p, use for basic skill system)

Secondary Stat Range:

Secondary Stat Generation:

Alternative Secondary Stats

Secondary Stat Generation:

Alternative Secondary Stats

Primary Stats: Power Agility Endurance

Secondary Stats:

Climb/Jump Idea


Jump (Standing)
Jump (Running)

New Weapon Idea





Old variant for looting


Bonus Dices


+1d6 to roll, multiple boost does not stack.

Deflate (Someone please come up with a better name)

-1d6 to roll, multiple Deflate does not stack.


+1d6 to roll, remove the lowest dice after roll. Multiple Bless does not stack. Negates Curse.


+1d6 to roll, remove the highest dice after roll. Multiple Curse does not stack. Negates Bless.

12 - Rounds


13 - Actions


Combat Actions


Basic attack with equipped weapon, different weapons have different cost:


Gives a target a penalty of -2 to either atk, dmg or def, to another character.


Using the stance action cost 2 AP and activates a stance of your choice. It lasts until you disable it or fail to do an attack in one of your turns. Only works in melee.

Stances are tied up to combat, so all the bonuses only activate the first time you do an attack in the same turn you activated the stance. And for each turn after that you must make an attack if you want to keep the stance to stay up.

The stance ends after any turn where you did not do an attack, or you can chose to end a stance at the start of your turn, or if you activate another stance.


forced action, to shake of various effects. Basically if you're knocked down, you need to shake to negate it in your turn. This serves as a place-holder until I can decide on how I want the system to work.

Combat Effects

Other typical things in combat that isn't actions.


Have to decide on facing first, if no facing I'll have to reconsider how freestrikes works.

If facing the +2 atk and boost damage, triggers on leaving melee range.


Am I going to have facing ? If so how to determine facing ? If I do I want the default back-strike for +2 atk.


Catch-all rule for anything that gives a bonus for defence, will replace IK cover, concealment, linear object melee, etc. Largely want to hold it as an environment effect.

+2 def, vs ranged/magic

Or make it another subtype, and classify melee, ranged, magic per the terrain it affects.

Or make it affect all the time, and have negate by position




(2d6+10 +1 die per square)

— — —

WIP: To Do:


Advanced actions, not yet implemented:

Combat Reflexes, Spring Attack are already included in this system. mechanics for harassing enemy to force them out of AP's, free strike's eat AP ?

14 - Combat




Modular design, I'm making couple of things now that I know I'll have a use for, and add more as I need them. Keeps me sane.

Rough Terrain

General ability that can be applied to many different things, essentially any terrain that it is possible to move over but slower.


Anything that stops movement. Specific types of terrain can be ignored or overcome through some traits.


Depends largely on water.

Shallow Water:

Deep Water:




Light X

An item with this quality sheds bright light in X range, and low light in an additional X range. Item with Light 5 would give bright light in 5 squares, and low light in 5 more squares, allowing you to see a total of 10 squares. A Candle will have Light 1, giving bright light in the same square, and dim light in all adjacent squares.

15 - Advanced
