
Various other characters, other players, and background npc's etc. And yes I'll bloody fix the page someday.

None Player Characters

Important people we have met, friends and followers alike. As well as a few of our earlier buddies that have left our group for now.

Old Friends:

Gell [C6/S1-hem-ng] Deity: Tymora Player: Andy Details: Stuborn priest of the lady luck, never hit even once with xbow.

Jahec [W7-hem-tn] Deity: Heathen Player: howl Details: Weird and crazy wizard, nobody ever understood what he said.

Lorien [B?-em-ng] Deity: Oghma Player: Lorien Details: Charismatic and creative elf, that love to make hes presence known.

Gorgon [C?-dm-le] Deity: - (he never wanted to tell) Player: Gorgon Details: Strong and unsocial dwarf, that refused to heal party members.

Aranel [Wi?/Ro?-gm-ng] Deity: - none Player: Quad Details: Clean shaved gnome, with all manners of tricks upp hes sleve.

Korax [F?-dm-lg] Deity: Clangeddin Player: Korax Details: Dwarf in every meaning of the word, stupid and ugly as an ogre, but ale, gold and Waraxe in hand!

Blade [B?-hm-ng] Deity: Tempus Player: Blade Details: Ambitious barbarian that allways competed with korax for beeing best in combat.

Garron [R4-hm-ng] Deity: Shaundakul Player: Andy Details: The Dog, been turned to were-rat and pestered by imps

Kern [Ro3/F1-hm-ln] Deity: Shaundakul Player: howl Details: Cash-administring opertunist, and the most honest rouge ever.


Ranthar [D?-hem-tn] Deity: Silvanus Followers: A very grumphy big bear, name not known. Details: Zijela's father, and Archdruid of eastern Cormanthor.

Thalic [W?-OHM-CG] Deity: unknown Followers: unknown Details: Mage that thought Cewander about magic and how to fight it, never told much about himself.

Dungeons & Dragons

My very first experience with Dungeons & Dragons was of corse Baldurs Gate 1, so me and a couple of school buddies decided to get the rulebooks and try this Roleplaying thing out. I found the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons second edition Players HandBook, as well as the Core-rule-Cdrom in a shop called Mindgames-Australia in Melbourne when i was vacating there. After a couple of rather chaotic playing sessions, everyone had taken turns on trying to be the Dungeon Master exept me, and none of the others wanted to be the DM, it fell on me, unfortunatelly. The group have changed alot since then, of the first four of us only I remain.

Enough ranting.


Info on the main characters i am playing or have played. click one for more info.

Cewander [R7-em-cg] Deity: Shevarash Responcibility: Archer, Melee, Scouting

Zijela [D5-hef-ng] Deity: Eldath Responcibility: Healer, Spokeswoman, Diplomat

Gnimsh [C3/Wi1-gm-tn] Deity: Gond Wonderbringer Responcibility: Inventor, Oddball, Engineer

Thagdarf [F1/W1-dgm-lg] Deity: Moradin Responcibility: Self styled leader, melee/magic combo

Jack Silvertail


I will try to list upp a few of the most important adventures we have been through here with resumes for those i remembered to write that down, or still remembers.

Secret of Darkwood

(mini Premade Adventure, Characters: Cewander, Gell, Jahec, Zijela) I actually did a little resume of this one, very short of corse:

The mighty heroes agreed to Seran'thur's offer to venture to the Dark Faeries camp within Darkwood to act as diplomats, somewhat spoiled by the fact that they attacked some Faeries in the forest before they met up with Voluntur, the Dark Faeries leader. They managed to hagle out a peacefull solution, by giving upp money and magic items.

They got directions to the cave of the 'Pale One', where the person responsible person for the raids on both Dark Faerie and Elven settlements could be found. After defeating hordes of spiders, and suprising a talkative Air Mephit that seemed intent on following them, they found a Drow Wizard named Kathor sleeping, they suprised and bound him. After very short 'Negotiations' Kathor gives them potions and free acces to hes spellbook, as well as directing them to the 'Pale One', whom he explains to be Talil'dor, brother of Lord Seran'thur of the elves.

After trying to mislead the Heroes, Talil'dor dies in the resulting fight, by the teeth of a summoned Badger. The heroes realise that Kathor have fleed, and takes Talil'dor's soulstone.

After trying to sneak their way past the Dark Faerie's they get trapped and have to give away the soulstone before allowed to go. Once out of the forest they go straight back to the Elven city and talk to Seran'thur explaining to him the happenings, including that Talil'dor claimed to be Seran'thur's brother, wich Seran'thur denies as hes brother died many many years ago. They are sendt to talk to the Elven Elder, and old and Grumphy Wizard with a magical rocking-chair, for their rewards.