
Hello! I'm reposting a some builds for Guardian that I posted on the guild's FB group right after the new trait changes, since a lot of people was confused with the new changes.

These builds are meant to be *basic* WvW builds, to get you started and familiar with the playstyle, and then let you adapt and change them to match your own preference and playstyle. They represent the two main playstyles that Guardian does in WvW, and can also be used in PvP with some tweaks, as well as PvE if you slap on some Zerk. But the main idea is that these will get you familiar with the Guardian in WvW/PvP, and give you a good start to find your own personal preference as you get better at the class and find specific needs.

A note, I'll only give rough guidelines for Stats/items, and no specific lists. Everyone tend to have their own preferences on this, and it can vary quite a bit between people. I'll try to give some recommendations on good *starting stats* to get used to the class. Personally use Celestial for just about anything, and I bet all the “Pro's” are going to scream and yell at me for that, so won't recommend it :)

-= Meditation Roamer =-

Description: The most general roaming build for guardian.



Link: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAR8dlsAhqhY5QwbIwPEHxDldDy3HtGANQBc33JNHA-TpBBABScQAA4BAI4%20DgVGAijAQAXAAA

Traits with Description:

Zeal traits: 2-2-2

Radiance traits: 2-3-1

Valor traits: 2-3-2

Traits Explanations:



Skills: You can replace Contemplation Of Purity for something else. Purging Flames is a good option for fire field and condition clear. But test anything you want, you will lose your clutch condi removal, and an extra minor heal. Keep the other two Meditations as they are needed for build. You can use the new Meditation Heal skill, but I'd still stick with Shelter as with Meditations it becomes blocks, heal+heal, condition removal, and extra damage all at the same time. Elite, Renewed Focus is pretty much the best one for this, survival and virtues + all the meditation bonuses. You can try Feel My Wrath for more bursty.

Weapons: Mace/Focus + Hammer is an interesting variant, Judge Intervention + Banish teleport knockback is fun. And mace can burst pretty well when you get familiar with it.

Traits: Pretty much outlined this above in the Traits Explanation.

Stats: This build generally uses direct damage, and as most roaming builds makes use of stats for damage, and only minimum needed + active defences for survival. There are multiple ways to adjust this for new players that need some learning curve. Mixing in some Celestial, Soldier or Knight trinkets with the rest Zerk will give you some defensive stats without crippling the damage output. This can also make good use of Condition Damage so Carrion can be useful. This could also be changed into a decent burn/condition damage build, so play with the amulets in PvP to find something that works for you.

-= Support Bunker =-

Description: All-round support build for small to large groups.



Link: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJARWlsAhahYrQwfHQQEH8DVuCzwNEHA7wQc%2FgNIEA-TZRBwAU3fYxRAQzlA4bZAAPAAA

Traits with Description:

Valor traits: 1-2-1

Honor traits: 3-1-1

Virtues traits: 2-2-3

Traits Explanation:



Traits: Detailed this above.

Skills: You can replace Save Yourself with something else. Retreat for another shout with swift, combined with boon duration and the staff symbol you can keep 100% swift uptime, but it is fairly useless in combat. Consecrations can be very useful, or even the Signet that gives you less damage. Shelter is the only Heal I can recommend, the Healing Breeze shout one might be nice, but those seconds of block is priceless, learn to use it to stop big enemy attacks. For elite it is either renewed justice for the invulnerability, or Feel My Wrath for great party support and more low cooldown condi removal, I prefer the shout.

Weapons: For small group Staff/Greatsword, for Zergs Staff/Hammer, you can adapt this for roaming (2+) with greatsword/sword+focus as well, though the loss of staff is a bit counter productive. In general try Staff + Any weapon you like, you can even trait in the shield trait to make shield somewhat useful. Worst weapon with this is probably torch.

Stats: This build is fond of the defensive stats, don't believe this means it is a tank, nor that it will keep you alive. As always use active defences, positioning, and spam Hold the Line when you can. You want a good toughness and some vitality to survive. Soldier/Cleric mix is a good start for new players. As you get better with the build, you can start changing out to more Berserk, Sinister, Knight etc. Alternatively you can try this as a condi build with Dire/Apotechary since you keep the same defensive stats.