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omf2097:tournament_opponents [2024/11/08 15:51] joneirikomf2097:tournament_opponents [2024/11/08 15:53] (current) joneirik
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   - Enemies doesn't take losses from player.   - Enemies doesn't take losses from player.
-  - Enemies seemingly only fight those on the same side as player.+  - Enemies seemingly only fight those on the same side of player.
   - So if a single enemy is below player, they can't fight anyone.   - So if a single enemy is below player, they can't fight anyone.
   - If there is an even number above player, a random can't fight.   - If there is an even number above player, a random can't fight.
omf2097/tournament_opponents.1731106312.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/08 15:51 by joneirik