=====Magic Items===== [[c1|]] ===== Weapons ===== ====Tatsumasa==== * Katana (MW Bastard Sword) * Magic (craft): Enchantment +1 * Charge (soul) * Path of Decay * Aura of Evil > There is no clear history of this sword, its story is shrouded in myths, rumors and legends so that no-one has ever figured out its true origin or purpose. Many of the tales tell of some connection to an evil dragon of some sort, that created this sword in a play for power, to have someone killed, probably another dragon. It's true purpose has been lost over time, and it keeps resurfacing every now and then, to leave a bloody carnage, and then disappear again for years. Almost every tale about its wielders have been tales of prowess and conquest, one warlord and mighty warrior after the other, each one with a bloody and brief impact on the world. All the tales tell about the wielder paying a price for the power he gains, and that most of them died in combat, weakened and vulnerable. Despite these grim tales, and the uneasy feeling you get around it, there has been many people seeking the blade, and willing to risk the dangers and price of the blade to wield it for fame and glory. > The sword itself looks rather unassuming, a Katana sword made out of a dark metal with a slight purplish gleam to it, the sword-catcher is completely black, made out of a strangely cold to the touch metal, shaped in strange runes that nobody has been able to decipher for years, and the hilt itself might once have been decorated with wraps as traditional Katanas are, but all that is left is a weird pattern resembling blood veins around the hilt leading up to the sword catcher in some brownish stony material over the hilt itself with a black Opal an inches wide making the bottom of the hilt. === Charge: == Charge: This weapon gains a charge each time it is triggered up to its limit, user can spend one charge to use it's effect. - Trigger: When a creature with a soul dies within 30 feet of this, this collects its soul and stores it as a charge - Limit: 10 - Use: On hit, spend a charge to take 1 Con damage and deal an extra +2d6 negative energy damage to the target. - Special: - On hit, wielder must take a will save to avoid using a charge (if any) (Atk: +X (charges) vs Will) - If 4 or more charges, any dying targets within 30 feet of this, suffers 1 negative energy damage each round - If 7 or more charges, any target damaged is shaken (1 round) unless saves (Atk: +X (charges) vs Fort) - If 10 charges, if this would gain another charge, instead it deals 1d6 negative energy damage to all targets within 30 feet === Path of Decay: === Where the wearer walks, all life slowly weakens, plants dies, animals gets sick, humans feel restless, and a slight smell of rot and corruption follows. Most people find this unnerving and discomforting, avoiding or walking away, children might scream and run, dogs bark and show teeth etc. Your touch will make people feel uncomfortable get small muscle cramps, feel tired etc. This has a range of 10 feet per charge. === Aura of Evil: === As cleric's Aura, always evil. Number of charges stored defines the Aura Power: ^ Charge ^ Aura Power ^ | 0 | None | | 1-3 | faint | | 4-6 | Moderate | | 7-9 | Strong | | 10 | Overwhelming | ---- ==== Mallet of Wisdom ==== FIXME * Maul (Greatclub MW) * Magic (craft) * Knowledge Linked * Enlightenment > This Maul looks old and worn, but you can tell it once was a magnificent looking weapon. On the side of the Maul's head is inscribed: >> "The ignorant must be beaten with the Mallet of Wisdom until their heads are swollen and inflamed with knowledge." >> "In honor of Captain Spud, for your valiant efforts." === Knowledge Linked: === This weapon gains bonuses or penalties against creature types based on how many ranks and class skill bonus the wielder has in the relevant knowledge skill that affects that creature type. Ranks and Bonuses against (type) (Ranks of skill points + class skill bonus) * Rank 0: Change Damage Type to Subdual (type), this disappears with 1 or more ranks. * Rank 1: Enchantment +1 (type) * Rank 5: Lesser Bane (type) * Rank 9: Increase threat range (type) Example: User attacks and Orc with this weapon, having 1 rank in Knowledge Local the weapon is treated as a Maul +1. User attacks an Earth Elemental but has no Knowldge Planes thus the weapon is treated as a Maul that does only subdual damage. User attacks a zombie and has Knowledge Religion 4 ranks thus the weapon is treated as Maul +1 +lesser undead bane (+1d6). ^ Reference: Creature types by Knowledge skills ^^ | Arcana | Constructs, Dragons, Magical Beasts | | Dungoneering | Aberrations, Oozes | | Engineering | - | | Geography | - | | History | - | | Local | Humanoids | | Nature | Animals, Fey, Monsterous Humanoids, Plants, Vermin | | Nobility | - | | Planes | Outsiders | | Religion | Undead | === Enlightenment === * Trigger: Critical Hit * Target: Humanoid (not players) * Saving Throw: Will negates (Atk: +Wisdom vs Will) When this weapons critically hits a target humanoid and they fail their saving throw: The target is knocked unconscious. If the target is still alive after the hit and when it wake up, it become Enlightened, it apologizes of any wrongs it might have done, then excuses itself to go on a journey to rediscover itself. Enlightened: * Gains permanent +2 wisdom (insight) * Alignment temporary becomes True Neutral * Past feels like a dream or mirage * Feels compelled to seek solitude, and meditate and consider its past and personality * After 3d6 days it has come to a conclusion and decides upon a new alignment/personality/goals (or retains its old) * Seeks out its new life (GM decide) ---- ==== Root of Yggdrasil ==== * Club MW * Magic (craft): Enchantment +1 * Charge (element) > This club was supposedly crafted from a bit of the root from the plane spanning tree named Yggdrasil, that might explain how it can resist the elements. > This club seems to be made of a gray and brownish material that at distance resembles wood, but upon closer inspection is some strange mineral, and feels like some kind of mixture between stone and metal. All over the club are small black gems imbued into the material, placed seemingly at random. Upon careful counting, there is exactly ten of these gems. Once any elemental damage is directed at the weapon, it absorbs it and gems starts to light up with colors depending on what element was absorbed. Charge: This weapon gains a charge each time it is triggered up to its limit, user can spend one charge to use it's effect. * Trigger: Hit by an attack dealing one or more types of elemental damage, absorb that damage (one type) and convert into an equalent number of charges. * Limit: 10 * Use: On hit: Spend 1d6 charges to gain the same number as bonus damage (elemental type absorbed) * Special: Wielder can spend one action to empty all charges from this ==== Lawbreaker ==== * Dagger MW * Magic (craft): Enchantment +1 * Anarchic * Returning > This worn and battered dagger looks to be in good quality despite its appearance. The blade is slightly dark and reflects very little light, you're not sure if it is a magical property or that the metal is just coloured that way. On the hilt is inscribed words in elven. >> One law destroys a thousand lives. One injustice creates a thousand rebels. === Anarchic === An anarchic weapon is infused with the power of chaos. It makes the weapon chaotically aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against all creatures of lawful alignment. It bestows one permanent negative level on any lawful creature attempting to wield it. The negative level remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. === Returning === This special ability can only be placed on a weapon that can be thrown. A returning weapon flies through the air back to the creature that threw it. It returns to the thrower just before the creature's next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching a returning weapon when it comes back is a free action. If the character can't catch it, or if the character has moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which it was thrown. ===== Rings ===== ==== Ring of Qui-Sai ==== > This ring supposedly belonged to an earth genasi named Qui-Sai, a well known warrior in Sigil who was trying to master a own combat form, called the way of the stone, to become invulnerable. Rumors has it that he never succeeded, but still made good progress on his combat prowess. > The ring is formed in granite rock in a round uneven shape. The word "Patience" is inscribed on the ring in Terran. * +1 Natural AC * +1 Fort * -1 Ref * +1/- DR ==== Ring of Zerth ==== > This ring is made of a strange material you can't quite describe, it seems to slowly change shape, colour and texture. Though it keeps itself into a roughly ring shaped object, and doesn't fall off, also the inscription in Githzerai never disappears. >> In knowing myself, I have become stronger. * +1 AC insight * +1 Will * -1 fort * +1 SP or PP ==== Ring of the Harlot ==== > Also called ring of the Courtesan when trying to be polite. It has been common practice in several large cities that registered courtesans wear rings like this prove that they are from an trusted establishment. The rings also granted a few useful bonuses for the said profession. The ring itself is a mixture of gold and silver in overlapping patterns, with 3 smaller stones in different colors that vary between each ring. This one has a Bloodstone, a Greenstone and an Angelskin stone. * +1 Fort * -1 Will * +4 on saves against poison and disease * Can not impregnate or become impregnated ==== Ring of the Nameless ==== > A simple but elegant silver ring, with a stone that you don't recognize that seems to shift between different colours at seemingly random. When you hold the stone right in front of your eye and concentrate on it, you can hear a deep voice in your head: >> Remain nameless, and you will remain safe. * Fast Healing 1 * -1 AC * -2 to all Cha based checks ===== Misc ===== ====Wandering Eyes==== * Large Steel Shield MW * Magic (craft): Enchantment +1 * Reflective > This steel shield has an almost mirror like quality to itself, you can actually use it as a mirror on the front side of the shield. The backside for some strange reason seems to show you the mirror image of what is in front of it. === Reflective === * If target by spell/Gaze/Similar magical attack with single target, and it misses (save or deflect). Spell is reflected back at caster. ==== Acolytes Circlet ==== FIXME > This silver circlet is a simple design, with a clear Opal one inch wide at the front. When a spell is cast on the opal, it glows and radiates low light in 5 feet, just enough to read by. The light takes on a different color depending which school of magic cast on it. This item is common among apprentices and acolytes as it is an easy item to craft and has many uses for fledling spellcasters. When a caster puts hand over the Opal and casts a spell with a single target, the Opal absorbs the spell and extends it to the wearer, greatly extending the duration. It only works over very low level spells however. * Target: * Spells with a range of: (All must be willing) * personal * Fixed * touch * Spells of instantaneous duration cannot be affected by this feat, nor can spells whose effects are discharged. * Only spells of level 0 and 1 may be used. * It takes 1 minute to charge a spell into the circlet * Effect: * Can have their duration increased to 24 hours. * You don't need to maintain concentration on persistent detect spells (such as detect magic or detect poison) for you to be aware of the mere presence or absence of the subject detected, but gaining additional information requires concentration as normal. * The caster level of the spell is reduced to 1. * The spell is "stored" in the Circlet and the spell is active for the full duration. * The circlet bestows the spell onto anyone that wears it, and removes it if taken off. * If the spell would require a save it is taken when the circlet is first worn, and not again until it is taken off and put on again. (safety clause, since spells should be willing) * Limitation: * Any spell charged into the circlet will affect only the wearer, if the spell affects an area around the caster, the circlet will only give the benefit to the wearer. Example Bless would give it's bonuses to the wearer, but not anyone else within 50 feet. ^ School ^ Color ^ | Abjuration | Blue | | Conjuration | Brown | | Divination | White | | Enchantment | Yellow | | Evocation | Red | | Illusion | Green | | Necromancy | Purple | | Transmutation | Orange | ===== Persistent Spell Targets ===== http://dndtools.pw/feats/complete-arcane--55/persistent-spell--2140/ ^ Range ^ Name ^ Level ^ Notes ^ | Touch | Light | B,C,D,W 0 | | | Touch | Resistance | B,C,D,W 0 | | | Touch | Touch of Fatigue | W 0 | Attack | | Touch | Virtue | C,D 0 | | ^ Range ^ Name ^ Level ^ Notes ^ | Touch | Bless Weapon | P 1 | Object | | Touch | Delay Poison | R 1 | | | Touch | Endure Elements | C,D,P,R,W 1 | Pointless duration 24h | | Touch | Goodberry | D 1 | Object, useless | | Touch | Hide from Animals | D,R 1 | | | Touch | Hide from Undead | C 1 | | | Touch | Jump | D,R,W 1 | | | Touch | Keen Senses | D,R 1 | | | Touch | Mage Armor | W 1 | | | Touch | Magic Aura | B,W 1 | Object | | Touch | Magic Fang | D,R 1 | Wildshape negates item | | Touch | Magic Stone | C,D 1 | Object | | Touch | Magic Weapon | C,P,W 1 | Object | | Touch | Obscure Object | B 1 | Object | | Touch | Pass without Trace | D,R 1 | | | Touch | Protection From Evil | C,W 1 | | | Touch | Resist Energy | R 1 | | | Touch | Sanctuary | C 1 | | | Touch | Shield of Faith | C 1 | | | Touch | Shillelagh | D 1 | Object | ^ Range ^ Name ^ Level ^ Notes ^ | Fixed | Arcane Mark | W 0 | Pointless duration permanent | | Fixed | Detect Magic | B,C,D,W 0 | | | Fixed | Prestidigitation | W 0 | | | Fixed | Summon Instrument | B 0 | Object | ^ Range ^ Name ^ Level ^ Notes ^ | Fixed | Bane | C 1 | Hostile | | Fixed | Bless | C,P 1 | Self Only | | Fixed | Deathwatch | C 1 | | | Fixed | Detect Evil | C 1 | | | Fixed | Detect Secret Doors | B,W 1 | | | Fixed | Detect Snares and Pits | D,R 1 | | | Fixed | Detect Undead | C,P,W 1 | | | Fixed | Identify | B,W 1 | | | Fixed | Obscuring Mist | C,D,W 1 | Stationary | | Fixed | Produce Flame | D 1 | Expires after used | ^ Range ^ Name ^ Level ^ Notes ^ | Personal | Read Magic | B,C,D,W 0 | | ^ Range ^ Name ^ Level ^ Notes ^ | Personal | Comprehend Languages | B,C,W 1 | | | Personal | Disguise Self | B,W 1 | | | Personal | Divine Favor | C,P 1 | | | Personal | Entropic Shield | C 1 | | | Personal | Expeditious Retreat | B,W 1 | | | Personal | Longstrider | D,R 1 | | | Personal | Shield | W 1 | | | Personal | Speak with Animals | D,R 1 | |